Every Mom today needs a diaper bag that can sprout wings, hydroplane, do 0 to 60 in less than one minute, and carry her and her baby to their destination. GPS would be good too! In lieu of the 007 version of baby diaper bags, Mom is just going to have to make do with a good standard version. In today’s mad rush world, designers have worked magic with baby bags to create the ultimate organization for the busy Mom and Dad on the go. The list of essentials to carry even for an hour long jaunt is intense.
Changing Essentials
Diapers are of course the first item on your essentials for baby bags list. Decide how many you think you might need and then add at least 2 more. With diapers come diaper cream, baby powder, wipes, changing pad, and what is really clever, is rubber gloves for your self. You never know when, where, and how you are going to need to change baby’s diaper. Most baby diaper bags today come with a change pad already and even a special wipe pocket.
When changing baby, you need to consider the necessary entertainment to keep baby busy while your hands are occupied, like a favorite little toy or soother rather than Mommy’s keys which have been who knows where. Zip lock bags are great for disposing dirty wipes, tissues, and soiled diapers. Soft tissues are such a standard component to survival baby bags that a protective container or compartment in baby diaper bags is very convenient. Tissues can be used to wipe noses, eyes, ointments, and messes that do not require harsh cleansers.
Living Essentials
For short term strolls to the store or around the park, a change of clothes is not essential for baby bags. However, any activity involving multiple locations, consumption of food or long term commitments requires at least one change of clothing. When you are attending a special event, you might want to consider 2 changes to accommodate any food spills or boisterous burps. Burping cloths are critical for avoiding mommy clean up as well.
Use anti-bacteria gel and wipes to clean baby’s hands and yours, play areas, eating surfaces, and bathroom counters, sinks, and any other surface that you and baby contact. Bottles of water, feeding bottles, dry formula, formula made up, juice, jars of solid food, spoons, at least 2 bibs, and a blanket for baby to either lie on or wrap in when being changed in a cool environment are all essential ingredients of baby diaper bags for any successful outing.
Mommy Essentials
Mommy does need to be factored into the essentials equation. Baby bags are being designed by mothers for women and men to relieve as much stress as possible. Pockets for your own water bottle and snacks, your cell phone, sunglasses, keys, and even your laptop are all included in elegant and stream lined baby diaper bags proud to be brought to an evening affair as well as the board room.